No.103 High-Level Road, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka

Boiler water treatment chemicals

About this item

  • Our boiler water treatment chemicals are used to prevent trouble in boilers and help them operate efficiently. We offer chemicals that meet high safety standards in terms of ingredients as well as chemical effects.
    Scales and corrosion in a boiler water system represent the greatest threats to boilers. They damage equipment, lower the heat efficiency, and cause steam to leak. Optimal water treatment eliminates these energy losses, helps to reduce the volume of blow, and increases the drain recovery rate. Kurita develops a wide range of products to address these needs, drawing upon more than 60 years of accumulated experience and know-how in boiler water treatment. One example is our line of multipurpose boiler water treatment chemicals, known for containing high-performance de-oxidants and being capable of preventing corrosion and scale formation while simultaneously adjusting the pH. We also offer sludge dispersants, soluble agents capable of removing scales while driving, anticorrosion agents to protect the water-supply, steam, and condensate return systems from corrosion, and boiler maintenance agents for preventing corrosion when boilers are not in use. In addition to these products, we also offer boiler water treatment chemicals that contain DReeM Polymer, the first of their kind that add scale removing potential to multipurpose boiler water treatment chemicals, non-phosphorus boiler water treatment chemicals that satisfy phosphorus regulations, and boiler water treatment chemicals made from food and food additives. We will also satisfy the numerous other needs of customers, such as checking the effects of water treatment and the quality of steam generated from the boiler with the use of our original monitoring equipment.
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